Yoga for Digestion – Christmas Edition!

It’s that time of year again, we’re all winding down a bit and preparing to eat a little more than we normally would (well, most of us!). But just because it’s Christmas that doesn’t mean you have to put your yoga practice on hold as well. In fact, yoga is great for digestion and detoxing when you’ve indulged a bit too much. Now hang on, I’m not saying you need to jump into a vinyasa flow straight after your Christmas dinner. But, once you’ve digested a bit there are some poses you can ease into that will help things along and make you feel less full and bloated. So here we go…

Twists! Yes, all twisting postures massage the internal organs and encourage digestion. So we’re talking seated twists, standing twists, reclined twists…you get the idea. Gently, though. Try revolved half moon, revolved triangle and revolved lunge.

woman doing supine twist yoga pose

Inversions. If you can manage a headstand or two, even a handstand, they’re both great for healthy digestion. Being upside down puts pressure on the pituitary gland, which plays a role in healthy digestion. Headstands also help to remove toxins from the body and get things moving…

woman doing a yoga headstand

Extended puppy pose – like child’s pose but your hips are high instead of sitting back on your heels. This pose can stretch the belly, relieving cramps after a particularly large meal.

Wind-relieving pose – Self-explanatory, really. Lie on your back and hug your knees into your chest. Try a half version of this pose by hugging in one knee at a time.

Want some extra help? Green tea with ginger or any ginger tea with turmeric will help digestion and settle any dodgy tummies along the way. Pukka Tea’s Revitalise is my personal favourite as it has a flash of peppermint along with green tea, ginger and cinnamon. Or try Turmeric Gold, equally tasty.

green tea with lemon


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