

Usui Reiki to heal your body and mind

What is Reiki?

Reiki means ‘universal life force’ and is a form of hands on/off healing that works on the body, mind and spirit by stimulating a person’s own natural healing abilities. The blocked emotional and physical elements that lead to illness and disease are cleared by re-balancing the flow of the universal life force (or Ki, energy) around the body.

Reiki works with the energetic, physical and emotional aspects of the individual to address imbalances on all levels. Regular contact with Reiki will bring your mind, body and spirit into balance. It will also help prevent future creation of illness and disease.

Benefits of Reiki

Reiki can help improve physical pain, detoxify the body, improve sleep patterns, help to gradually clear up chronic problems, stimulate the immune system, accelerate the natural healing of wounds and lower blood pressure. 

Reiki can bring calmness to your life when you’re experiencing stress and anxiety, also releasing emotional wounds.

Reiki Treatment
A dog receiving reiki
Various Crystals

There are various styles of reiki out there such as Blue Star, Holy Fire, reiki using crystals and animal reiki.

The style I use in my treatments is Usui Shiki Ryoho, the system created by Mikao Usui in Japan a little over 100 years ago.

My treatment room is at Centre – Yoga & Wellbeing, 74 Park Road Hartlepool.

Please choose a date and time from my schedule below to book an appointment.